Send Craigsub a PM. He has both M80’s and Studio 100’s, and Energies, and some Rockets, and, and, and……..(hard to keep up with that guy)
I have M80’s and I’ve heard Studio 100, vrs III. I think they both are great speakers with their own pro’s / con’s. To say one is better than the other is a statement full of pride and personal preferences. Everyone has “their” idea of what a great speaker should, and does sound like (appearance also plays into this opinion). It’s always best to listen to them yourself and not take the word of anyone else unless that person is your clone.
The Axioms may be lower in price, but if you get them with real wood veneer or in a high gloss finish, the cost will be similar. The appearance will also be ‘on par’ with another real wood speaker.
My opinion is you can’t go wrong with either speaker. They both sound terrific to my ears.