Paradigm Studio/100v1: Quick Impressions



Audioholic Overlord
I've had these speakers for about a week now. I'm very blown away by their capabilities. For such a large speaker they are astoundingly accurate to my ears. Large speakers I have owned before had excessive cabinet resonance. The 100s still have cabinet resonance, but much lower than what I am used to experiencing.

They also have a dynamic range I have never experienced before. They can really slam, and they do it at almost any level of output. I've yet to hear any stress from these speakers. In almost any speaker I've owned I've heard stress in some for or another, such as tweeter resonance/distortion, port noise, binding post noise....etc. Massive amounts of detail I can now hear in certain songs I was previously not able to hear due to the above reasons and possibly other reasons (maybe those other speakers weren't up to the task of delivering such clarity).

Paired with the Sony STR-DA1000ES (with fans pulling away the heat) and the Paradigm PS-1000 I get a nearly seamless sound without putting much effort into positioning my speakers carefully. I'd be working with placement a little more if each speaker didn't weigh 110 pounds. I'm a featherweight and moving those speakers is a difficult task for me, especially with those spiked feet.

To sum it up, these are the closest to perfection I've had. I know they aren't perfect, but I've wanted these speakers for years. I loved them a long time ago, and I love them now. Even though I got an outstanding deal on them, and I could make profit on them (help catch my debt up) I think I am just going to have to suck it up and keep them until I find something that's truly better for me.:D
no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall

Good sound is intoxicating isn't it? :)


Audioholic Overlord

Good sound is intoxicating isn't it? :)
Very much so. I am enjoying the Sub-$100 system I have composed right now though.:D

Upcoming thread concerning sub-$100 sound system.:D:D


Audioholic General
How about some pics when you get a chance. :D
Lightning Steve

Lightning Steve

I know how you feel my friend.
Getting new stuff is great, especially when it turns out even better than you hoped.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Paradigm speakers are incredible, I've had my studio v.4 60's and v.4 cc690center for almost a year now and are the best speakers i've ever owned and enjoy them more each and every day !!! Whether its a door bell in a movie, knock at the door or someone doing dishes I always catch myself looking around because its sounds so real.

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