Paradigm S4 vs Focal 1028 (vs S2)



Audioholic Overlord
Note this is a duplicate posting; but, the first time, I mistakenly posted this in the Subwoofer section :eek: and thought it needed to be relocated:

I recently discovered a shop in my area that sells both Paradigm and Focal speakers. They were agreeable to my bringing in and hooking up my two identical receivers so I can instantaneously switch between level-matched speakers. I also brought in my S2's.
Of course, the comparison would be better done at home, but it is much easier to move the recievers and the S2's to the shop. I would have preferred to have the SongTowers there, but again, it is a matter of portability.

The S4 v2's go for ~$3600, discounted to $2700 (with stands) if I wanted the demo pair. They are being discontinued and I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any dramatic improvements. The differences between the S2 and S4 were not noteworthy enough to spend the extra ~$1k (or even $500), IMHO. A touch more bass on the S4, but not exceptional (to my ear) and a sub is still required by my standards. Strangely, the S2's seemed to have a slight bit more presence in the top end. In any case, my decision was made easily to not buy the S4's. Appearance wise, the S4's are a "too tall" bookshelf speaker.

Those of you who are familiar with the Focal 1028 are probably thinking how ridiculous it is to pit the S4's against them. You are right. This isn't really a competition in the normal sense. My interest is to get a sense of how much better speakers can get. The Focals are a $8500 pair of floorstanders. They are well regarded as a very high quality speaker with no gimmicks (unless you consider a beryllium tweeter a gimmick - I don't).
The Focals have very good bass. I can't say a sub wouldn't improve the bass, but the stock bass has plenty of punch and enough depth. I don't think a sub would be missed with these speakers.
On something like Steely Dan Aja, the Focals sounded better, but not $5000 better than the S4's. Aja is a good sounding album no matter what you play it on (within reason) and who knows exactly which settings they used on the electronics producing the music (feedback, reverb, Les Paul vs Gibson amp settings, etc.). While I preferred the Focal, it was not the magnitude of difference I was expecting to hear.
Next, I listened to a couple of cuts from Eric Clapton's Unplugged. Again, the Focals were decidedly better; but, by my expectations - $1000 better, not $5000 better. Both had that great high end extension which I find so critical. The sound of the triangle strikes on "Tears in Heaven" sounded pretty much identical on both speakers. The Focals do seem to have about the same ambiance I experienced with the SongTowers. Maybe more, maybe less - I couldn't venture a guess unless they were side by side.
Next I listened to Joni Mitchell's Wild Things Run Fast. Joni Mitchells voice was definitely & decisively clearer and more detailed on the Focals, this is the first time I've really had the sense that a performer could actually be in the room (mic'ed, but in the room)! Very nice! Okay, now I could see someone willing to drop some serious coin on these.
I used to play in a couple of jazz bands and pit orchestras for musicals, so I leave the jazz for last - I pulled out my Ed Palermo Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance disc. On the chimes, the Focals added a degree of fullness compared to the S4's. While both pairs sounded the same on the thin but extended sound of a triangle, the chimes present a more complex sound which allows the Focals to shine.
With the saxophone (my instrument) the Focals were definitely better but the S4's do a fine job. However, with the trombone, the Focal was exceptionally transparent and sounded pretty damn real. They get the main tone, overtones, and the brass blat all at the same time and with the right balance. The S4's couldn't keep up with this!
The Focals were conclusively the better speaker throughout the comparison. Often they were better in ways that were fairly subtle. However, their ability with the trombone and Joni's voice was exceptional.
Would I buy a pair of Focals? No time soon! Maybe it is a mistake to listen to speakers so much better than what I expect to keep as my own. I'll always think about how the Focals nailed those two voices (and I'm sure there are others I didn't hear). If the Focals nailed all voices so well, I'd be starting to save and figuring out WAF counter-measures (they are not ugly, but nor are they as nice looking as the Songtowers or as compact as the bookshelf Signatures)
Honestly, I am usually doing or thinking of other things as I listen to music - I don't listen to my equipment too often. I do like it when a speaker catches my attention and lures me into serious listening mode. My current speakers are very good at this... and as long as I don't have the Focal in the room saying "but, it could sound like this!" I'm very happy with what I've got!

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