Paradigm Monitor series question. Help me choose.



Audioholic Intern
I've been researching speakers for my home theater. At first I was looking at the Studio series but came to the conclusion that they are a little out of my price range since I'm at the starting point of building the system. At first I thought a bookshelf would do the job. But after reading many posts I realize I may not be happy with the limited range or the capacity to fill the room. I want to start with the two towers, then purchase the center channel. I'm looking at the Monitor 7,9 or 11. The Monitor 5 bookshelf looks to have the same diameter speakers as the 7, so I'm not sure what the sound difference would be. I do like the narrowness of the 7 and 11 for my living room arrangement of 11" X 22". I would like to know + or - of the three, if there is any.


I have a large room also, 22x20.
Using monitor 5's because I wanted bookshelves.
No problem filling the room.

I was told by the dealer that monitor 5's and 7's would sound almost the same if you are using a sub also.

Some have mentioned monitor 9's as not paradigm's best speaker.

So I would rec. the 5's or 7's (decide if you want towers or not), or step up to the 11's.

If on a budget, I think it may be better to upgrade the center instead. ie, going from the 370 to the 470/570. (If that would match the L/R)


Audioholic Overlord
Highgear I thought I would add my .02 here. I have owned the Titan v.3's and I am very familiar with the monitor line both the v.3 and the newer v.4 versions. I am not a big fan of tower speakers but I do like the monitor 7 v.3 and v.4's. However, IMHO they offer very little more other than producing more bass and can handle more power. Personally, I think you might want to take a closer look at the monitor 3 v.3 or the v.4 versions. This speaker would be more affordable for you and offer a lot of bang for your buck. I believe the monitor 3's and/or the mini's image better than the tower speakers and the monitor 3's have a huge soundstage. The cc-370 v.3 or v.4 center is an awesome center for the money. Now the Studio line is a huge step-up. Right now I own a set of the Studio 20 v.3's and they fill my living room with a lot of sound. At times, I would swear I was using a powered sub. If you can work them in your budget you will NEVER regret doing so. I plan to get the cc-470 v.3 as well when I get the funds to do so. Good luck with your decision.


Senior Audioholic
Highgear, I'll pretty much echo the sentiments of the above posters. Like df4801, I heard from 2 separate dealers that you probably want to stay away from the 9's. I didn't get a chance to hear them, but both thought them rather boomy. But don't let that steer you away...let your ears be the judge. Go and give 'em a listen. As for the bookshelfs, I was moments away from buying Mini Monitors, v4's. I was really impressed by there low end output (with no sub) for such a small speaker, but ultimately went with B&W 601's. I've also listened to the Monitor 3's and was quite impressed. Just recently, within the past 2 weeks, I sold my B&W's and went with Paradigm again, this time with Studio 20's. These speakers amaze me. I'm filling a really large room with them with no problem. Luckily, I found them as open box for $600. If you don't mind waiting a little, and aren't opposed to used, they often pop up on audiogon for $550-$600. I found these:

With that said, I don't think you'd be disappointed with the monitor line at all. I was very impressed when I listened to the models I did (Mini, Mon 3, Mon 7). Also, paired with a good sub, you may be surprised at how well those bookshelfs fill a room. Most dealers will offer you a few days to try them out...that way you can give 'em a shot, and if they don't work, then move up to towers. Just a thought. Happy hunting...this is the fun part.:D
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Audioholic Intern
Thanks for all the input. I plan on going to another audio store this week that carries most of the Paradigm line. I would like to see a shoot-out between the Monitor 5's and the Studio 20's. I'll pick the one that sounds best and build from there, moving to the center channel. I'll keep my Onkyo sub for now. I can move the Onkyo fronts to the back for now. Thanks for the heads-up on the towers. I can't wait to get down there to listen to them.


That was my 2 choices as well.
To my ears, not much difference. I went with the 5's.
But most people love the 20's. So listen to both.

For what its worth, the 5 has an extra driver over the 20, more sensitivity, the same frequency response, and weighs more.


I bought the Monitor 5s and a 370 in December. I made my own stands out of materials I had laying around. I've been pleased with them but admit I would have jumped up to the studio line if I wasn't poor.


Audioholic Samurai
I've had the Studio 20s for about five years, they continue to please me every time I listen to them. I have mini monitors as surrounds and a third Studio 20 as my center and a HSU VTF2 as my sub. To my ears the Studio 20 as a center sounds way better than the dedicated Studio center. It's your ears that matter however.


Audioholic Jedi
I would definitely go with 20s over 5s. I've had both in my system.


I currently have the following set-up;

2 x Paradigm Monitor 11's Mains
2 x Paradigm Monitor 7's Surrounds
1 x Paradigm CC-370 Center
1 x Paradigm PW-2100 Sub

I love it, the 11's Rock and the 7's aren't too far off, are the Studios better ? yup, but more $$, boils down to a balance between the money and the sound.

Good Luck :)


Went from 3's v3 to 7's v4 to studio 100's. I think with a decent sub you'd have a hard time telling the difference between the 3's and 7's. Studio line is a nice step up , 20's w/ good sub will sound quite good!


Audioholic Intern
You guys are GREAT. Thanks for all the help. I read everything. I am swaying for the 20's and a good sub. I will have to let my ears do the final call. Remember, this is mostly for home theater, music would be secondary in the pecking order.

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