Panasonic SA-XR55K 6.1 or 7.1 receiver.



Almost all websites show this as a 6.1 receiver. But the speaker connections on the receiver (as shown in the user’s manual) look like that of a 7.1 .
Does anybody know for sure? And is this receiver worth for $230 (amazon price)?
Thanks in advance,


Audioholic Jedi
kera said:
Almost all websites show this as a 6.1 receiver. But the speaker connections on the receiver (as shown in the user’s manual) look like that of a 7.1 .
Does anybody know for sure? And is this receiver worth for $230 (amazon price)?

*edit I re-checked, and Panny does list it as 6.1:
100W per channel (6 channels, 1kHz, 6 ohms, 0.9% THD)
LINK to XR55 on their site
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Audioholic Ninja
6.1 using digital amplification. Depending on your usage, it may suffice. For a little more, ~$270, you should be able to get the Pioneer 815, which I think would be preferable to most.

According to spec sheet:
Output Power - Home Theater Mode -- 100W per channel (6 channels, 1kHz, 6 ohms, 0.9% THD)


Audioholic Jedi
AVRat said:
6.1 using digital amplification. Depending on your usage, it may suffice. For a little more, ~$270, you should be able to get the Pioneer 815, which I think would be preferable to most.
Actually, I'd say the Panasonic will sound better thant he 815. Pioneer's lower models really aren't that great sounding, IMO. The Panny digital amps have found a near cult status. For a budget system and easy to drive speakers, I'd say the Panny digitals are going to be hard to beat.


Audioholic Ninja
Budget receivers

In that price range you could also get the Yamaha 5840 and Onkyo 503. Both have more traditional analog amplification stages and 6.1 channels.


Audioholic Ninja
I love my Panny...105/channel...6.1. You're probably looking at its capability for stereo splitting/amplification of the back surround.

This receiver is superior in many ways to my older Yammie..especially at the price point. I think these units deserve a closer look by our crack team of reviewers!

Good cheer.


Thanks, Stereo splitting ?

Thank you for all your inputs. Stereo splitting means the XR55 splits the one rear surround channel into to two?


Audioholic Ninja
kera said:
Thank you for all your inputs. Stereo splitting means the XR55 splits the one rear surround channel into to two?
kera suggested by the Panny manual.

EDIT: ...that would be MY Panny manual. (SA-HE200)


I would stay away from that receiver at all cost. It's amp has very poor filters, and would be considered very "bright" . You are much, much, much better off going with something more traditional, such as the onkyo, pioneer, or yamaha.


Audioholic Ninja
MacManNM said:
I would stay away from that receiver at all cost. It's amp has very poor filters, and would be considered very "bright" . You are much, much, much better off going with something more traditional, such as the onkyo, pioneer, or yamaha.
Do you have any data that shows this? Have you heard one or A/B'ed it?
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Go down and grab one at Circuit City or a local big box A/V store. If you hate it, return it. The disadvantage of this little digital Panny is that auto room set up won't compare to a midfi receiver like the Yamaha 2600. IMO, it's probably a better buy than a Pioneer 815, and possibly the 1015. Keep in mind, it's $230. Unless anyone here has it, no one can really comment on it. Go over to AVS under receivers and read the cult following. I am seriously considering giving one a test run (an A/B next to the Denon 3805). I'll report in a few weeks when I have some extra time.
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Audioholic Ninja
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Go down and grab one at Circuit City or a local big box A/V store. If you hate it, return it. The disadvantage of this little digital Panny is that auto room set up won't compare to a midfi receiver like the Yamaha 2600. IMO, it's probably a better buy than a Pioneer 815, and possibly the 1015. Keep in mind, it's $230. Unless anyone hear has it, no one can really comment on it. Go over to AVS under receivers and read the cult following. I am serious considering giving one a test run (an A/B next to the Denon 3805). I'll report in a few weeks when I have some extra time.
Now we're talkin'!! (Gotta wait till the end of football season?) ;)


I haven't heard this particular receiver. But I have heard a Panasonic (or was it an Onkyo, or a JVC?) shelf system using digital amps. I was impressed by the spacious and quick sound coming from a pair of bookshelf speakers.


rjbudz said:
Do you have any data that shows this? Have you heard one or A/B'ed it?

Look at the specs of this unit, they show how bad it really is. I listened to it at a local store and I didn't like it.
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Audioholic Ninja
MacManNM said:
Look at the specs of this unit, they show how bad it really is. I listened to it at a local store and it didn't sound good.

What you said was

MacManNM said:
It's amp has very poor filters, and would be considered very "bright" . .
And you are able to determine this because your looked at the spec and listened to it at the local store? Where is the 'poor filter' spec? 'Bright' compared to what?

Mac, this is (only) a 2-and-a-half C-note receiver. And seemingly it's a pretty good one at that price point, judging by the glowing reports of others. The poster's question was whether this unit was worth the $230 price.


rjbudz said:
What you said was

And you are able to determine this because your looked at the spec and listened to it at the local store? Where is the 'poor filter' spec? 'Bright' compared to what?

Mac, this is (only) a 2-and-a-half C-note receiver. And seemingly it's a pretty good one at that price point, judging by the glowing reports of others. The poster's question was whether this unit was worth the $230 price.

The THD is very high 0.9% rated at 1 watt at 1 kHz. That increases as you increase power, plus the fact that it's not rated at full bandwidth. A class D amp has a ton of harmonics if not properly filtered, judging by the specs, the general design of the unit, and the way it sounded, I'd say it isn't. There are much better deals out there for ~$200.


Maybe these are the reasons why people love tubes so much.;)

MacManNM said:
The THD is very high 0.9% rated at 1 watt at 1 kHz. That increases as you increase power, plus the fact that it's not rated at full bandwidth. A class D amp has a ton of harmonics if not properly filtered, judging by the specs, the general design of the unit, and the way it sounded, I'd say it isn't. There are much better deals out there for ~$200.


Audioholic Ninja
MacManNM said:
The THD is very high 0.9% rated at 1 watt at 1 kHz. That increases as you increase power, plus the fact that it's not rated at full bandwidth. A class D amp has a ton of harmonics if not properly filtered, judging by the specs, the general design of the unit, and the way it sounded, I'd say it isn't. There are much better deals out there for ~$200.
The 0.9% is all channels driven. Stereo is 0.09% THD. This is in line with comparably priced brands you mentioned.

But you may be correct. There may be better deals out there. Let's help the poster find one.


Audioholic Intern
I'm still looking forward to an "official review". While I don't plan on this model for my needs, I might upgrade my g/f's ancient unit with one.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Panasonic XR receiver review

Mayhem said:
I'm still looking forward to an "official review". While I don't plan on this model for my needs, I might upgrade my g/f's ancient unit with one.
Here, read this and you'll get an idea. It's one model up, but last years model. The XR75 may replace it. The review is only a few months old.

Here are the lab measurements (pretty impressive for its price point).

Here's some good pics of the internals/rear of the SAXR55 (I think it's already been posted somewhere).
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