I've been wanting to get some decent surge protection for my system lately. I don't have much to protect right now, just my receiver, DVD player and speakers, but I will soon be adding a big TV, upgrading my receiver and a few other things. Being that I live in New Mexico, we get a lot of thunderstorms. In fact, we just had one last night. While I've never had anything fried due to a direct/close lightning strike, I'm not wanting to take any chances.
I'm kind of on the fence about the whole power conditioning thing making a difference in sound. As long as the components have good power supplies in them, that is where most everything bad from the power lines is stopped. However, big transients and over/under voltages can be bad.
So, I saw that OneCall has the Panamax 5410, which has just been discontinued, for $350 instead of the normal $750. I went ahead and pulled the trigger. I've read good reviews about Panamax products, especially in terms of surge protection.
I guess I just wanted to see if anyone has experience with this specific unit, Panamax products in general, or just to see what people think about these more expensive surge protectors/power filters. Yea, it's a lot of money, but it will be a lot easier having a full warranty for all my equipment than having to replace a $2,000 TV or $1,500 receiver (when I get them).
Thoughts, opinions?