You Will Be Getting An EXCELLENT Receiver
daveco2 said:
I'm just about ready to pull the trigger on this unit unless there are any bad rumors about it.
Any comments-good or bad?
You will be very, very surprised and pleased with your purchase. The Panny DIGITALS are light (less than 10 pounds) run very cool, and sound every bit as good as their behemoth counterparts. As mentioned in another thread, I compared my Yamaha RX V-1400 in a side by side comparison for several weeks with the Panny XR-55 (same as the XR-57 but without HDMI) The result was that I could tell absolutely no difference in audio quality between the two receivers.
Incidentally, some are saying the Panny digital receivers are "bright". I have not found this to be the case. They are perfectly neutral. Also, some have said the Pannys have difficulty driving 4 ohm loads. My two main speakers are 4 ohm and the Panny can drive them far louder than I would ever care to listen to.