My favourite amps in Ontario are Anthems, (made by Paradigm's parent company) sadly, they are well, well beyond my reach for the moment, but the Prices are similar in both Canada and the US once you convert the currency. That isn't the case with most brands. The problem lies in the fact that the MCA 30 (amp I 'd pick from Anthem for your requirements) has about a $1500 US MSRP for a 3 channel amp. I could most likely get that amp for about $1500 Canadian, which is nice, but too much for me at the moment, and not needed for my setup. ATI only lists one authorized dealer in Canada but there are more, and their prices go through the roof once you cross our border. I've seen an 1800 series stereo amp (same series I'd suggest for you) selling for $1500 when the MSRP is the US is $900 and you can pick them up for less. Nad Arcam and Bryson are all at Bay Bloor Radio in Toronto. Pretty expensive but high quality stuff. I really like Parasounds new line of Amps, and would suggest them but I've only ever seen a couple of them and they were brought up north from the US. I have no Idea where to get them in Canada from an authorized dealer. You might want your relatives to look into pricing out a Bryston amp for you. Again they are pricy but they are built right here in Ontario so the pricing we get in this area (close to Toronto) is preferential.