Outlaw rr2150 vs. Harmon Kardon HK3490 help please



I am a two channel stereo guy and in the market for a new receiver. I have read great things about both these units and at the point where i could use guidance from an outside source. My budget is $700.00 so I know that both are in range.
I am connecting these to a pair of PSB Imagine 25 bookshelfs along side an Energy 10" sub and using a Cambridge Audio Azur 640c CD Player. I am open to suggestions outside these two units if they are equal to or greater in sound, build and overall quality.



Audioholic Ninja
I'll add Emotive separates to the list as you can get a 2-channel setup for $700.


Audioholic Ninja
I'll add Emotive separates to the list as you can get a 2-channel setup for $700.
Ill second that, A usp1 and upa200 or xda2 and upa200 if you don't intend on using anything not digital, I would go with the xda2 and hook the cd player in digitally... comes in at $749 for both...

other options
this dac instead of the emo unit... both are nice..

If it were me and you were only in the market for a hundred watts or so and 1 source I would go integrated, by pass the receiver all together and plug the cdplayer rite into the amplifier.. there are a few decent units out there. it will give you a very direct audio path...

cambrisge, yamaha, creek and a few other companies also make really good integrated units, I think you will get more sound quality for your money, these systems are getting really poular.. Dayton apa150 is also an inexpensive option or the emotiva minix.. Most of them are just an amp with a volume knob, gets rid of all the circuitry and switching equipment in the audio path...

One of the best sounding systems I ever heard was a topping tp20 amplifier ($70) and a pair of Kef bookshelfs (not sure what he paid for them) but it sounded really clean and clear. I that same amp running a pair of ascend sierra 1s with nRt upgrade and they sound so good, not one can believe that little amp is making the power...
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