And you can follow it's progress at www.beerhallputsch.com!1930's Germany is quickly approaching the 21 century United States.
gung ho is Chinese. and Chinese are communist! But I understand your point. Biondi is just sore that somebody on his state's webboard probably has the name 'Biondiisapoopoohead' (email biondipoopoohead@yahoo.com). This sort of "I welcome free speech as long as it only reflects my opinion" mentality is hardly anything new in the political realm.furrycute said:I can't believe this guy from New Jersey can still call himself a conservative after having proposed this kind of legislation. If this bill ever gets approved, the scale of censorship that would be implemented would be even worse than what existed in the former Eastern bloc countries. And I thought conservatives are all gun hole(sic) against communism.
Rock&Roll Ninja said:gung ho is Chinese. and Chinese are communist! But I understand your point. Biondi is just sore that somebody on his state's webboard probably has the name 'Biondiisapoopoohead' (email biondipoopoohead@yahoo.com). This sort of "I welcome free speech as long as it only reflects my opinion" mentality is hardly anything new in the political realm.
agarwalro said:"I am upset by the content of this thread. The "piece of mind I have lost" since I started reading the thread can only be compensated by a large monetary sum I am demanding from you... ".
If that law goes in, statements like the one above will become content of subpoenas rather than sarcastic remarks on a thread.
Not to mention the possibility that someone can hack this "file" of names and addresses and come after you if they dont like what you have to say.
Stupid, very very stupid idea.
Same here.ironlung said:I wouldn't be such a tough guy if the internet wasn't annonymous.
jeffsg4mac said:This new jersey dude is no CONSERVATIVE. He is what we REAL conservatives refer to as a RINO. Republican In Name Only. In other words a liberal.