I have an Outlaw 755 Amp and loved it, at least I did for the last few months. The Amp just fried (2 Channels shorted I think) and I have to send it back, this is where my problems started. The Outer Box (Outlaw sends in a double box) it came in is toast (water damaged when I got it from UPS so I tossed it) I still have the inner box in Great Shape and offered to add an outer box myself, "no go" with the Outlaws guy, so now I have to pay another $38.63 USD for a new Outer Box (by the time I send my cheque and then they send me a new Outer box I figure 1 to 2 weeks) then I have to pay shipping to send it back (They do pay to return it to me however). Hey, I know stuff happens and I really like the amp but nailing me like that for another Box hurt, especially on an Amp only 3 Months old plus it added weeks to the whole process. I offered to Send a Cheque with the Amp, no good as they go differnt places. I asked them to get the box on it's way immediately as to save time and I'd send them the cheque now, they said no way, money first then the box. They do indicate in the manual to return in original packing but the outer box was in my opinion no longer useable, there warranty policy also does explain on the shipping (I pay one way they pay the other) but it really hit's home when there's a problem and your paying again. Also for what it's worth the support guy on the phone was polite enough but would'nt even discuss the repair unless I bought their carboard box. I'm not saying don't buy Outlaw as their stuff is good however my situation has seriously angered me and once I get this unit fixed I'm going to sell it and no longer deal with the company.
Just based on my current experience