Amps do have an effect, but the processor and DACs have a bigger effect on the end result of the sound. As long as the amp provides enough power to drive the speakers adequately at the most extreme levels you might be listening at, you don't necessarily need to choose one based on sonic characteristics alone. Which DACs are you going to be using? Your receiver's or your players?
I recently picked up my PM-7200 integrated, and I immediately noticed additional detail in my bedroom setup when running it in class A mode, in which it only produces 25w/ch (compared to 95x2 in AB mode). The sonic character is much the same, but the same cannot be said about the amount of current that appears to be flowing to the speakers, and it clearly made a difference, even though my speakers aren't tough to drive at all. In other words, look for the right amount of power and quality of that power for your needs, not just for how the amp "sounds".