Not sure what Iranians or Africans you hang around, but you my friend have the wrong idea about there view of us. Every Arab, Persian, and African I've met has great respect for this nation more than many Americans do. We aren't getting their idiots for the most part. I have had professors from those areas that were true geniuses in their field. Let's not perpetuate false ideas and media driven viewpoints. The mistreatment of immigrants needs to stop. I've had Saudi friends held in jail for no real reason at all.
I too have met & worked with people from the region. Most of them were very amiable & friendly. One was a young man going to college in the US. Really good guy seemed to have his act together, until we got on the subject of Jewish people. He had no issue telling me they should all be killed.
Speaking more to the Somali’s, their population & presence is well known in the T.C area of Minnesota. Typically, they are loud, rude, refuse to learn English, want everyone to bow to their every whim & wish, and are self important to a fault. Now before everyone get’s the wrong idea – I am not saying this from a racist perspective. I am friends with many people of many different races. Also, I thought I was in the minority with these feelings, but the more people I talk to, the more I find that many, many people feel the same way. It’s to the point that black people in the area don’t want to be referred to as “African American” because they don’t want to be associated with the Somalians. There is more Somali on Somali violence and gang issues than with any other groups in the area. Seems like they left Somalia to get away from the fighting, only to bring it to our cities (while standing with their hands out demanding state aid). When the violence crops up, the Somali community “leaders” are quick to blame the police for not doing their job, while ignoring the real issue – it’s their own people fighting with each other. Say what you will, but if you don’t live here, you really can’t understand what it’s like.
My view is unique to this area because of the dense population of these people. We also have a large community of Hmong people, many of whom I also know & have worked with. Each group has their exceptions, but I find these people to be very humble, hard working, ethical, amiable and friendly. I enjoy their company and finding out about their culture and heritage.