We sell Onkyo where I work, and I do have some bad news for ya. The 602 had issues. I also bought one for myself and the board fried on it in 6 months. Very uncommon for Onkyo in my experience, and even our rep confirmed that the 602 receiver and 302 player had more service issues than the rest of the entire line combined.
The good news is that as far as I know, it can be fixed. I can't say for sure with your machine, as I am by no means a technician, but based on experience, I think the only 602 that wasn't quickly and easily fixed was oddly enough, my own (they eventually replaced it with the 603).
I'd take it in to be looked at by an authorized repair depot. If it is under warranty still (which it should be), no harm done, if not, it might be worth at least getting it looked at.
(also a note from personal experience with the Onkyo line...regardless of your speaker type, choose small speakers unless you play mostly music with the system).