First off, great site; this is my first post and am excited to join the whole crew here.
I recently just started to have a re-kindled interest in my home theater/audio system after being absent for many, many years.
That said, I am a newbie at all of this so please bear with me.
I am looking to purchase a new receiver for my home theater system and have a few questions about which one would be best for my set up.
Per the title, I am debating between the Onkyo TX-NR626 & Sony STR-DN1040. These maybe a little overkill for me right now but am looking for a high quality receiver to hold on to for several years with internet connectivity.
Any thoughts on these receivers with my speakers (below)? Not sure if the Sony STR-DN1040 with 165 watts per channel is too much. I didn't spent a lot of money on my speakers (paid a fraction of their websites listed price) and don't want to spent more money on my receiver than my speakers can handle.
Front speakers:
S-FIT TWR 1050
Center speaker:
And plan on buying the following sub (recomendations are welcome for my sub:
Baby Boomer Powered Sub
New rear surround speakers will be purchased soon too (again, recommendations are welcome).
Any thoughts on these receivers with my speakers? I love watching movies at fairly high volume and also enjoy listening to various styles of music every day (looking for a receiver that is both good for music listening and movie watching).
Again, I'm a newbie so all comments are welcome. I'm eager to learn.