Welcome to the forum, Joe!
The first thing that I'd check is the fuse. The manual says that it's not user serviceable, but maybe you can get to it to see if it blew. It might be something seriously wrong, or it might be that a bug was in the wrong place at the wrong time when you turned it on.
If it's not quick and inexpensive to fix yourself, my thinking is that it's not worth it. Of course, that depends on if it's got sentimental value to you. If you have to take it to a service center, I'm guessing that it's going to cost about as much as a new receiver would. Receivers these days have better connectivity, better processing, and (IMO, the most important) auto calibration programs that try to account for room acoustics. The auto calibration made a huge positive difference in my listening experience in my house. So, I think that you'd be better off getting a new one if you can't fix it yourself.