Using with either ADS L710, or B&W Matrix 804.
Will the 4 ohm setting change the way they sound work in a big noticeable way? My understanding is that the 4 ohm setting is a safeguard for dummies. But what are the disadvantages to using it (simply less power?)?
I am a college student and I have a lot of drunk retards coming through my house from time to time who don't know a lick about decent stereo equipment. Because of this, the 4ohm setting seems like a good one. Last party we had this kid kept turning it up to levels of distortion because the speakers were in the garage (where everyone was dancing) and he wanted it to be just as loud in the rest of the house.
any advice on this?
and also, just found out my roomate has an Onkyo M-501 ( ) amp. Its 150 watts. Is there any reason I would want to use this paired with my Onkyo TX-8511 ( )
Or, do I need a preamp to use with the amp as opposed to the reciver I have?