Onkyo NR708 & Polk RTI10 - Good Combo?



Hi all, I have an Onkyo TX-NR708 Receiver and I'm looking to upgrade my front and centre speakers. I would like to get your thoughts on Polk Audio RTi10 towers. Does the reciever have enough power to handle these speakers. I have some concerns after reading some online reviews about these speakers needing lots of power.

Keeping within a reasonable budget, any suggestions in what to look for in speakers? Home theater room is only about 12.6' x 17'.

Currently using some old PSB alphas for front and centre. Just installed Profficient Audio W665 for Sides & Rears in-walls. Have Klipsch Synergy 12" Woofer

I tried to put in links to the components but I can't until I have 5 posts - sorry.

Thanks in advance!


Hi all, I have an Onkyo TX-NR708 Receiver and I'm looking to upgrade my front and centre speakers. I would like to get your thoughts on Polk Audio RTi10 towers. Does the reciever have enough power to handle these speakers. I have some concerns after reading some online reviews about these speakers needing lots of power.

Keeping within a reasonable budget, any suggestions in what to look for in speakers? Home theater room is only about 12.6' x 17'.

Currently using some old PSB alphas for front and centre. Just installed Profficient Audio W665 for Sides & Rears in-walls. Have Klipsch Synergy 12" Woofer

I tried to put in links to the components but I can't until I have 5 posts - sorry.

Thanks in advance!
Not sure where you have been hearing that they RTi 10's are a difficult speaker to power.

In a room that size your Onkyo should be fine even at uncomfortable listening levels. An external amp may or may not make a difference to your ears.

As far as other speakers, why aren't you looking at PSB's Image line up. They are in line price wise with the RTi 10's.


Thanks for the quick reply jinjuku.

I was reading customer reviews on the futureshop website and numerous people mentioned the need for power. I kind of thought based on my room size I'd be ok but I'm no expert. In your opinion would this receiver be capable of handling most speakers out there or are there certain specs I should stay away from. Two of my brother-in-laws purchased the NR808 as they felt it was a better model as far as power was concerned. When I compared the 808 and 708 specs I didn't see a huge difference. The 808 is 135W vs 110W for the 708 but other than that not much is different. They we talking about 4ohm vs 8ohm?

I'll check out PSBs line.



Audioholic Slumlord
As jin said - No problem in this combo for your space.
RI10 rated 89db and 8Ohm - hardly complicated load for solid onkyo amps in that avr.
However if you'd use these towers in a auditorium - they'd really could use external amp


Thanks for the quick reply jinjuku.

I was reading customer reviews on the futureshop website and numerous people mentioned the need for power. I kind of thought based on my room size I'd be ok but I'm no expert. In your opinion would this receiver be capable of handling most speakers out there or are there certain specs I should stay away from. Two of my brother-in-laws purchased the NR808 as they felt it was a better model as far as power was concerned. When I compared the 808 and 708 specs I didn't see a huge difference. The 808 is 135W vs 110W for the 708 but other than that not much is different. They we talking about 4ohm vs 8ohm?

I'll check out PSBs line.

Even Dorokusai (he works in Polks CS dept) will tell you they don't require a ton of power. There is a post of his around here talking about the RTi series (and I believe the 10's in particular).

The measurements for the receivers will almost always be 8 ohm. With the 708 you have pre-outs so you can add an external amp any time.


Audioholic Ninja
The thing to remember also, is that you want the front three speakers to come from the same product line for the best front stage cohesion. The RTi10’s center match would be the CSi3/5 which may be difficult to find as all these models are no longer produced.

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