I recently upgraded my Receiver from an HK AVR 247 to an Onkyo NR-708.
The receiver was ordered form accessories4less on Monday Night and arrived here Friday Night.
The first apparent thing was the lighter weight. This is in part because of improvements in amp efficiency, but it does leave an empty feeling.
Hookup was straightforward with a confusing array of speaker hookups. Also the grouping of the hookups seems a bit strange. You got the main speakers all over the place and things like wides and heights in between.
If you are using this receiver make sure you get the correct hookup for each speaker because it is easy to get the wrong one on the back.
The manual speaker setup was straight forward and accurate. Much simpler than I remember the HK being.
One concern with Onkyo has been heat. So far it's a tad bit cooler than the HK was so Onkyo clearly has made progress on that end.
Sound wise there is virtually no difference between the old receiver and new one. Aesthetically it looks like an Onkyo with a the box concave slants on the front.
Overall if you are hunting for a good receiver the Onkyo NR708 just might fill that bill.
Photos are in my member's gallery.