Need help.
I recently bought an Onkyo MC35TECH and I think the speakers are kind of ok but not good enough. I want to buy speakers that have good clean sound at low volumes and I can't spend more than $200. Following are the specs of the amp:
Power output
20 watts per channel, min RMS, at 4
ohms, both channels driven 1 kHz,
with no more than 0.6% THD
15 watt per channel, min RMS, at
8 ohms, both channels driven 1 kHz,
with no more than 0.6% THD
2 X 20 watts at 4 ohms, 1 kHz, DIN
2 X 17 watts at 6 ohms, 1 kHz, DIN
2 X 15 watts at 8 ohms, 1 kHz, DIN
2 X 29 watts at 4 ohms, 1 kHz, EIAJ
Dynamic power output
2 X 24 watts at 4 ohms
2 X 17 watts at 8 ohms
I'm considering Dayton BR-1 from Parts Express but I'm not sure if the amp would be able to deliver enough power.
Please excuse me for not using the correct terminology, I'm new to the A/V world.
Thanks in advance.