I'm having problems with my Onkyo receiver. When I use an HDMI component everything works great! When I use anything else and turn on a "listening mode" I get static so loud that the actual sound cannot be heard above the static. If I listen in pure or direct mode (no audio filter applied) there is no static. But this limits me to the front two speakers (why the heck did I buy 7.1!!!). I believe there may be something wrong with the DSP board but don't know for sure and definitely don't know how to fix it.
I've checked all the wires and speaker and they are good (hooked up to another stereo and they all sound clean).
HDMI works in all listening modes.
RCA, FM, component all have static when a listening mode is turned on but are clean without a mode on (but limited to front 2 speakers only).
The unit is just over 2 years old and Onkyo refuses to do anything about it. They want to charge me $75 just to look at it

and to fix it could be hundreds of dollars. There tech support is worthless too, the guy told me to do a factory reset, about a week later I figured out I could get rid of the static by turning off the listening mode.