An 86dB/2.83v/m speaker + 2.7 m (9ft) listening distance + 94dB volume per speaker (97dB both speakers) will require 46 watts of power.
My total peak volume is 94dB (measured from 12ft) from 2 speakers (2.0 PD mode), so each speaker would be 91dB Peak. My wife and kids consider this "deafening volume" and say I will go deaf.
So if your speakers are 86dB/2.83v/m and you listen to the same volume as I do, then your speakers will require 23 Watts of power.
In 2.1 mode, my total Peak Volume goes up to 108dB, but here my subs account for most of the volume ABOVE 87dB, which means the amp only has to drive my speakers to 87dB.
So you probably don't need as much power as you think.
A Denon X4000 would suffice IMO. Add an amp if you need later, but I still doubt you will need it.