I have both a pair of Axiom M22ti speakers as well as a pair of the Onix Ref 0.5 speakers. Visually, the Ref 0.5s blow away the Axioms. The real wood veneer looks amazing and the build quality is wonderful. The Axioms in Boston Cherry vinyl look fine, but just aren't in the same appearance class. Both pass the GAF test just fine, although she likes the appearance of the Ref 0.5s better.
As far as sound quality goes, they both sound wonderful, but the Axiom M22ti's won hands down in music listening tests (using a Yamaha RX-V2500 receiver) in a medium-sized room. The Axioms have amazing and well balanced sound. The highs on the Ref 0.5's get slightly harsh much sooner, even at medium volume levels (although some of that may be because the Ref 0.5's hadn't broken in enough yet). The Axioms also seem like they can go lower and sound better without a sub and generally work better in larger rooms. In a small bedroom where I'm using it now, the Ref 0.5's sounds amazing and natural for playing a wide mixture of music. The Axioms work
great in my medium-sized living room / home theater (along with their VP-100 and QS-8).
Both companies have great customer service
and I'd recommend or buy both speakers again.