

Audioholic Spartan

Govenor of South Dakota. Far right and loved by her base. She checks all the boxes. And Trump would love her at his side.


Audioholic Ninja
I think CNN said they think Haley is staying in because if Trump gets indicted than she's next in line. However, they didn't think the GOP would go for her.

I think if Scott were to be the choice it would be because he treaded very carefully. Similar to Pence and keep it professional while avoiding any conflict.
Haley has already noted, Super Tuesday "“We’re going to keep going all the way through Super Tuesday,” Haley told reporters " that was this past Sat.


Audioholic Spartan
Trump: America isn't respected like we use to, and we're laughed at. We're a joke to them.

I thought I'd repeat this one from I think Trump's previous speech. No you can't make this up LOL. He claims under Biden America isn't respected, but of course if he gets back in, well naturally America will be respected again. I'm not suggesting under Biden America is respected, but I'm not suggesting under Trump America is respected. Different reasons IMO, and the irony is it's Trump saying this. He either doesn't know, or doesn't care. I'm leaning towards the former.


Audioholic Spartan
I can't decide....:)

He drinks.

He doesn't drink.

He drinks.

He doesn't drink.



Audioholic Spartan
I do get tired of the "white" angle, but ok I'll tolerate it this time.

Rather than focusing on anything Trump or evangelical leaders have done to solidify Trump’s evangelical support, there are two more likely explanations.

The first is that white evangelicals, and especially the most devout ones, are ride-or-die partisans. The more often white evangelical voters attend church, the more likely they are to identify as Republican. For example, when I analyze data from Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel Survey, Wave 114, I find that less than 48% of white evangelical voters who “Never” attend church are Republicans, while nearly 73% of those who attend more than once a week identify that way.

Trump is the Republican party now. And thus, while a minority of devout white evangelicals may have entertained other political options a year before the primary would be decided, as Trump’s victory became more inevitable, any reluctant supporters among the most committed fell into line. Even when evangelical theologian Wayne Grudem called for Trump to drop out of the race, he wasn’t standing against Trump (whom he praised). Rather, he merely thought Trump would lose against Biden. The issue was party victory, not principle.

The second reason evangelicals have rallied to Trump again is because they are not only partisans but culture warriors who still feel under attack. And despite DeSantis’s best efforts to sell himself as an anti-woke, no apologies, warrior for religious conservatives, the majority of evangelicals either never bought it or simply had more confidence in Trump as their warrior king. As journalist Tim Alberta has described the white evangelical mindset, “The barbarians are at the gates, and we need a barbarian to keep them at bay.” Trump is nothing if not a convincing barbarian.

We shouldn’t oversell the rivalry that wasn’t. Trump was always the evangelical favorite even among the most devout. He has been the favorite among white evangelicals, regardless of their church attendance, since well before the primaries were decided in January 2016. Even then, Pew data showed white evangelicals across the board were more enthusiastic about his potential as a President.

Trump has white evangelicals in his pocket. Whatever cognitive dissonance some devout Christians may feel for supporting a twice-impeached serial philandering liar who tried to stage a coup and threatens violence against political opponents is easily dismissed with the conviction that no Republican nominee, no matter how problematic, could be worse than losing to a Democrat.

Understand the American religion of fanatical partisanship and culture-warring and you understand why white evangelicals will always fall in line. As Nikki Haley is learning all over again.


Audioholic Spartan
45. Worst President Ever! Maybe even one of the worst human beings ever. But go ahead and worship and vote for this guy no matter what he has and will do to this country. Hès already single handily destroyed the GOP and Democracy is next, I hate being an alarmist, but it is what it is. :(


45. Worst President Ever! Maybe even one of the worst human beings ever. But go ahead and worship and vote for this guy no matter what he has and will do to this country. Hès already single handily destroyed the GOP and Democracy is next, I hate being an alarmist, but it is what it is. :(
Just let us know what freeway overpass you will be diving off when Trump is elected again. Might cause a traffic backup and don’t want to be late for work


Audioholic Spartan
45. Worst President Ever! Maybe even one of the worst human beings ever. But go ahead and worship and vote for this guy no matter what he has and will do to this country. Hès already single handily destroyed the GOP and Democracy is next, I hate being an alarmist, but it is what it is. :(
Certainly in the cellar of presidents on that point. Also the Trump evangelical hit a new low. His barf-y character is what they loved about him at the time. Early on anyhow. As a YTer once said, Trump could pull down his pants on stage and take a dump and MAGA would applaud. Not too far from the truth.


Audioholic Spartan
CNN: Haley backers will vote for Trump with vomit in their mouths. :p

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