I hooked up the multi-directional antenna this weekend (10/13/07) and I had pretty good luck. I did not look up the stations’ power, which might be a factor in reception. Anyway, I pulled in all the network channels which were located from compass orientation 147 degrees to 171 degrees, or 24 degrees spread. The antenna is advertised up to 90 degrees but the farthest station out was at 192 degrees or a 45 degree spread. I got good reception up to 15.9 miles out, but PBS at 17.2 miles out would not hold a strong enough signal. Stations at 23.6 and 25.9 miles out were not detected. I am also using a Radio Shack amplifier. I experimented with two antennas but the results were the same or worse than using a single antenna. Overall I am pleased with the multidirectional antenna because I picked up FOX and Warner Brothers networks over my more directional Radio Shack antenna. The antenna is also sitting on the floor of my attic. The instructions state that if mounted outdoors, the antenna would be much more effective. Thanks for the information Swerd.