WayneReux said:
I have read a few reviews on the Sapphire speakers (here and elsewhere). Nobody seems to say or support them all that much – though some of the reviews are older. So – if you own the Sapphire speakers, what do you think of them? Are you happy with your purchase now? Would you have bought different speakers in hindsight? Also read that they were Tweeter’s home brand. Is that true?
Any help is appreciated.
It's not a bad thing that you bought the speakers, even if you eventually decide not to keep them. In my opinion the three most important elements in a listening room/HT are: 1) the source material, 2) the room itself, 3) the speakers.
It is a good idea to evaluate speakers at home since the sound of speakers is so heavily influenced by their interactions with the room (read the 'room acoustics' section at audiohoics.com for more).
If you have enough space on your credit card, I'd recommend buying another set of front/center speakers from a reputable internet direct company like Ascend Acoustics or Axiom. Once they arrive, compare them to the Sapphires for a couple of weeks and keep the ones you like best.
Great TV. You won't regret that purchase. I'm guessing that the consensus would vote to keep the 3805 or find it cheaper elsewhere, but you can read the debate
here. As for the DVD player, a great source for rigorous comparisons of DVD players (but not much else) can be found
at Secrets of Home Theater. Just pick the highest rated player that can handle multiple discs.