Well judging by your wording, sounds like you have some computer knowladge.
I would say you will have a very simple time hooking everything up.
1) plug source's in be it dvd, cable box... the output from the source go to the intput on the receiver. it will say right on the back "dvd video in" you plug your rca cable in there and so forth
2) plug speakers in... your receiver on the back will say "front left, front right, center, rear left, rear right" you take the positive (red) and negative (black) wires and run them to these jacks
3) plug power in for everything
4) tada invite 3 strippers over for a midnight viewing of "The Girl Next Door", make sure I am invited as well.
Hooking everything up is the easy part. Moving speakers, running wires different places, changing settings... thats the fun constaintly changing part.