mulester7 said:
.....Hmmm, and the price of $1000 is still rendering a sizable profit, or it wouldn't be messed with, right?....not picking on this particular receiver, but aren't such "fantastic" deals offered on virtually all receivers?, Guys, marketing......
Not all recv's. Lets face it. Yamaha, Denon, Marantz, and Pioneer are perhaps in the highest demand simply by popularity. This popularity is due to several factors including quality, performance, price, reliability, and availability. Right? So, these brands usually bring premium price due to the fact that there is a market willing to spend near list on each unit regardless of what component it happens to be i.e. recv'r, dvd player, cd player, etc. The Boston being a new revc'r to the market does not have the popular following that the other 'major' brands have. However, one must take notice that the Boston is a Sherwood Newcastle 965 with different faceplate layout and black in color. The quality is far above many of it's competitors. Ultimate av reviwed the Sherwood and HT mag reviewed the Boston/VR spkr system and were very impressed. So much so that when the $3,000 price was mentioned they said expensive, yes but sounds expensive. Very close to seperates sound quality. I like mine so much because it does not deform my source material. Yes, deform. It does have a few(12) dsp modes but they are mild compared to some modes that put you inside a bottle or capsule. Stereo mode, pure analog, or pure digital modes are fantastic for music. I swear my center is running and have to check to see if whether or not I may be monitoring in pl2 mode. I'm not. The spaciousness and many other characteristics of sound are superior to that of my previous rx-v2500. I'm hearing things from cd's I never heard before with much more detail and clarity. I still use my Boston VR powered towers and a set of B&W's up front to listen to music choosing between the 2 sets via spkr's a/b. Awesome. I seriously doubt the profit margin is much at all with the 7120. Its' build quality, sonics, and reputation(Sherwood) are easily worth every cent of a $1,000! This is not a mid-fi recv'r. This is a hi-fi recv'r. Although switching capabilities are important, convenience, options, layout, osd's, the main issue is how good it sounds...right? The Boston/Sherwood sounds superb and is beautiful just setting there. Be warned about placement options. This recv'r is like 2 ft deep with cable clearance!