JasonE said:
I am asking for advice, on buying a clean system for around 5K -- so why are you asking about ad revenue? Instead of making a post like that, why wouldn't you offer advice make a few suggestions to somebody that is new to the hobby???? Seeing as how you are an audioholics couch potato you probably have some type of input that I would like to hear. late
It is like this, Jason. He was invoking a Stereopile recommednation of dubious quality and value. Would you have known about that if my question was not asked? Probably not. This would have given you some insight but perhaps he will not respond. You see, my question would have helped you out.
Amps are over hyped, placed on pedestals that they should not be placed on.
Your main Axiom speakers are 4 ohm impedance but rather sensitive so it would not need a lot of power to drive them to max capacity that you can still listen to without going deaf.
So, for those speakers, you need an amp that is speced to 4 ohms and around 100 watts with features you need. Brand names are not an indication of much as modern amps are transparent withing their design limits, period.
The Behringer A500 is rated to drive 4 ohm speakers, not bridged, with about 160 watts and you gotta love the price: $180 each for 2 ch. until the end of Oct, then it will be $200. As you can see, name recognition and price is not an indicator of anything.
In the end, you still have useful info to make choices.