<P><A href="http://www.audioholics.com/productreviews/avhardware/OakleyTHUMPMP3sunglasses.php"><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><IMG style="WIDTH: 82px; HEIGHT: 100px" alt=[oakleythumpphoto1] hspace=10 src="http://www.audioholics.com/news/thumbs/oakleythumpphoto1_th.jpg" align=left border=0></FONT></A><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>If you haven't yet seen the
Oakley THUMP - <EM>run</EM> to Circuit City and try a pair on. This is by far the coolest product I have reviewed yet this year and it's certain to be the #1 electronics gift (if they don't run out of inventory.) Oakley has basically taken a 256MB solid state MP3 player and integrated it into a pair of their premium sunglasses, making what they refer to as "the world's first digital audio eyewear." The THUMP has a 6-hour li-ion battery which charges via an included USB 2.0 cable. The entire player only weighs 1.9 ounces, so it feels and looks like a comfortable pair of Oakley sunglasses. Add to that decent sound and fully adjustable telescoping swing-arms for the speakers, and you've got a winning combination that will literally <EM>leap</EM> off of retail shelves. The only negative thing we can say about the THUMP is that at $495 ($395 for the 128MB version) it may be cost prohibitive for many. We're hoping to see that price drop as future models are added with greater storage space and perhaps additional features.</FONT></P>
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