Well customers should care. It's a stupid and ridiculous practice, especially now that object-based surround is here and we're seeing 13 and 15-channel setups.
A simple "Yes you're right" from this forum would suffice, but to defend this practice, or criticize my complaint because "well the timing is off" is pure horseshit, and honestly speaks to a culture problem in this forum. I'm honestly a bit speechless here.
Let me repeat: it costs nothing to implement this, and allows separate amplifier head testing for AVRs. Of course the AVR manufacturers don't want to include this. This way they can justify selling amplifiers bundled with the pre/pros, and they can avoid measurements of their power amplifiers.
Good lord, I can't believe what I'm reading here. Captured consumers. Fanboys. Sheep. Everywhere.
Ok, that's enough. Yikes, I thought I was the a$$hole around here and have ranted about a great many things here myself. Each poster does not represent the Forum itself. The forum is just a place many gather to get and give information. No poster is responsible for anything but their own opinion.
I've bitched about this very topic in the past in other threads. I've moved on from the 7.1 analog ports because what they were meant to do can now be done with an HDMI connection. They were never meant for a connection to a pre amp, though it can be done. They are useful to those who need additional amplification for new units that process more channels than they can power or to those with older players with 5.1/7.1 analog output ports.
There are many older receivers with multichannel in 7.1 analog ports out there that can be had on the cheap. Hell, I have two of them collecting dust somewhere in my mess. They would be useful for a new receiver that had pre outs for channels it could not power or for additional Zones so that the new unit doesn't lose any amps in the Main Zone. So, if somebody has one of these multichannel in 7.1 analog port equipped receivers, fine. It would make more sense to worry about a full set of pre outs on a new unit than fuss over the lack of multichannel 7.1 analog inputs that were never meant to be connected to anything but a player with 7.1 analog output ports,, though they can be used with AVP/AVR pre outs.
Anybody really committed to the cause would have stopped upgrading in the first place and stayed with an analog connected 1080 setup. In for a penny, in for a pound with this new s#%t. Now, go give Yamaha your two cents. Maybe get into separates and keep hardy amps around for a long time and upgrade processors when necessary. You can just keep acting like a miserable little c#%t around here but that would be a continued waste of time for everybody. At the very least, change the title of the thread. They were called MULTI IN/EXT. IN and never PRE AMP in because that was never the intent. You might just need a good connection to one of your own ports to shut you up.

Hey, I don't judge. Whatever works.