I've been wondering for quite some time, how big a difference A/D & D/A converters and specifically DSP chips make as receivers are updated from year to year.
Here is my quandary. I have a set of three paradigm studio speakers (60's and the matching center) and being driven by a proceed HPA2 and rotel RB-960BX (bridged mono for the center channel). This certainly provides more than enough power, probably more than I need. I use my receiver to power my rear PSB bookshelf speakers which it does admirably. However, my receiver is an outdated Denon 2800. My question is this:
Save for new features such as hdmi switching and other bells and whistles which I'm not particularly interested in, is there a sizable difference in dsp (i.e. D.D. and DTS) processing in newer receivers. I'm talking the old formats, not this new lossless stuff.
For example, I know that my receiver has a 24 bit dsp chip. I have noticed that newer models provide 32 bit and 48 bit processing. While I have no doubt that these chips provide more processing power, is this necessary given what D.D. and DTS demand. Will there be a sizable difference in sound quality. I'm not interested in small diminishing returns albeit I know it's not going to be monstrous either.
Is it worth going out and buying a more sophisticated receiver if I am not going to take advantage of many of the newer features right away. Perhaps I will in the future, but it seems this particular piece of equipment is outdated so quickly, it doesn't make much sense to buy for the future. Now I would like DPL2, but that alone is not enough to warrant a purchase, but it is a factor as I listen to regular TV broadcasts in DPL all the time.
Keep in mind, I only listen to CD's and DVD's. I won't be upgrading my TV (my trusty CRT Hi Def set) or jumping into Hi Def DVD's anytime soon.
It would seem as though I could pick up a used model from the last two years relatively inexpensively. Probably in the realm of $500 give or take. I know pure separates is an option, but it doesn't seem like I could go this route inexpensively. I don't care about power, as it will only power the rear speakers.
I would gain burr brown D/A converters and at a minimum a 32 bit dsp chip. What is the consensus? Is there really a big difference? Just curious, it's been bugging me. I hope I haven't trivialized your time with yet another receiver question.
By the way I did ask this question on the AV rant line. I must not have been interesting so I was deleted. Oh well...I thinks it's interesting...lol ~!