OK - recently became interested in building a system since there are several nice products popping up on our local craigslist before the holidays.
Im pretty green, but I know enough to be dangerous I suppose.
Ive seen two 5.1 speaker systems for sale, and have considered assembling one from scratch.
heres what ive stumbled upon:
- MA Silver series set: 5i fronts, 3i rears, 10i center for $450
- INfinity Reference set: 2000.6 fronts, 2000.3 rears, cc-3 center for $320
- SLS HT8R pair for $300
- Paradigm cc-370 for $400
- DCM tf 6.0 towers for $200
- Def Tech BP30's for $500
- Klipsch RF-25's for $540
- Magnepan MGIIIA's for $795
I understand that timbre matching? is a crucial factor here, especially with matching the fronts & center. ive been told its best to stick with one brand here and use even proportions (i.e. dont use huge fronts with a small center). im told that matching is less important with rears, and even less important when choosing a sub.
we are budget conscious, and were hoping to score a nice setup from local deals for not much $$$. also hoping for a few suggestions on recievers that dont break the bank, but would be enough to handle a mid-high end setup. There are a few nice Harman Kardon AVR's floating around as well.
any thoughts??