No Power/Lights on Mitsubishi 60735 DLP TV


Mopar McNeer

We had a lightning storm a night ago that did not kill our power, but when we awoke the next morning, we noticed that the cable box had no lights lit up on it and shortly after realized the Mitsubishi DLP (60735) would not turn on or respond (no lights were lit up on the tv).

I first unplugged the cable box from the power strip and plugged it directly into the wall, it came on. I cycled it down and plugged it back into the power strip and it can on and functioned as normal (as far as I can tell).

I did the same procedure with the DLP TV, but was not as lucky. When I plugged the TV back in, it did make a few clicking sounds..but did not responde to any of the buttons on the front panel or via the remote.

I then hit the "reset" button on the front panel. The TV clicked, but still no functionality or lights. I went to the internet and found the service manual for the tv and looked through it so see if any other trouble shooting measures could be used for this situation. While I could not find any thing exactly for this issue, I did find the "error code" section. I went back to the TV and held down the MENU and IMPUT buttons (as noted in the service manual), but none of the lights on the front lit up, so no error codes or even signs of functionality.

I'm going to open it up next, but would like some advice as to what this might be or what I should look for.

We've owned the TV since Thanksgiving 08. It has performed flawlessly until now. I figure the storm had something to do with it, but am not sure what it could have caused. Is there a fuse on the main power supply?

Your advice and assistance is appreciated.


Mopar McNeer

So I took the back cover of the unit and found the fuse on the board. Pulled it out and tested continuity. It tested fine. I looked over the board for signs of caps that may have gotten bad or burned board areas, but could find nothing that was readily apparent.

I plugged the unit in to the power strip and could hear the board relay click. And click again when I pulled the power cord from the power strip.

Not sure what to look at next, what to test, or where to go from here.

Link to Service Manual:

Pictures of the Board, Fuse (from that board), and rear of the unit

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I'm going to open it up next, but would like some advice as to what this might be or what I should look for.
I mean this in all sincerity: You should be looking for a copy of your home owners or renters insurance policy.

It's possible that a lightning strike would totally blow past a fuse.

Mopar McNeer

Home owners ins is through state farm, so my deductible is around $1200.

More than the TV cost.

Mopar McNeer

So today I pulled the Power Board off the chassis. I tested the 3 fuses that other fuses on the board. They all tested good. I then looked at the Main Board, tested both fuses and they were good.

A friend suggested that I check the two MOV (black discs in the upper right corner of the powerboard pic I had in my earlier post) to see if they are shorted or open. I'm not positive on the best way to do that, any help would be appreciated. He also suggested that I test the diodes in the upper right corner too. Hoping someone can provide insite on how to do this as well.

One thing I did find weird was that when I pulled the bulb, there was a bit of "junk" inside the bulb, like dust or flakes. There are two pins/wires that connect to the bulb. When I tested them for continuity or resistance, I got neither. Bad bulb?

If this is the case, would a Bad bulb cause the "no lights" issue as well? The service manual says that the unit will show a RED light if the bulb is bad or a different RED light if there is bad circuit - no lights at all, so I don't know for sure if there is another issue.

Anyone know the correct way to test the bulbs?

This still "feels" like a power supply issue to me though.
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No Power No lights

The same thing happened to my mitsubishi dlp. No power no lights or sound after the power in the house went out and a lot of lightning strikes.

The fuse is good but i replaced the power supply board and the tv still does nothing. the tv repair shop guy said it has to be the main board/unit.

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