"No more redundancy" = SAVE $$$$



I was posting in another thread when I went off on a tangent about receivers continuing to offer so much redundancy in both device connections and inputs. Lets face it, most of us aren't using RCA cables anymore and neither are we using phono or tape devices. On the extreme but practical, I wonder what my new Denon dream machine (5805B) would cost if it only offered these devices: (stay on topic...don't go crazy on me here)
* HD Gaming
* HD Projector
* I-POD (so nobody sends me emails) You all get my point on this topic.

With only these inputs for all:

I can only imagine the savings:
* weight
* space
* build cost
* cooling
* shipping cost
* purchase $$$'s.....probably not but possible

Not to mention these Quality of Life Improvements:
* easier to navigate menus
* less clutter
* easier/faster hook-up and install

Is anybody with me? A good example if receiver manufacturers were to build my next car audio system. Under the dash, it would have:
* huge phono player with megaphone style audio horn
* 8 track
* tape
* cd
* minidisc
* MP3
And all the different connector inputs to go with it. Ahhhh...exhausting.


Audioholic Chief
action said:
* HD Gaming
* HD Projector
* I-POD (so nobody sends me emails) You all get my point on this topic.
Isn't Projector and HDTV redundant? I still have minidisc and tape too, along with a RCA iPod dock.

action said:
With only these inputs for all:
Which version? How many devices that you have output in HDMI??

action said:
I can only imagine the savings:
* weight
* space
* build cost
* cooling
* shipping cost
* purchase $$$'s.....probably not but possible
Most of the weight is due to the amp, not the inputs. Build cost would go up, since HDMI is more expensive than RCA. Cooling - wouldn't matter, shipping cost - wouldn't matter, cost would go up with all digital inputs.

action said:
Not to mention these Quality of Life Improvements:
* easier to navigate menus
* less clutter
* easier/faster hook-up and install

Is anybody with me?
Menus wouldn't be any easier to navigate if you changed inputs from RCA to HDMI, they'd just be different choices.
Personally, i still use RCA's for tape deck, minidisc, and iPod dock. I would like to see more digital inputs, but not until the cost comes down.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
I'd like 4 video inputs & 2 stereo inputs. (plus toslink connectors please)Then using a PS2-style keyboard, make the names of inputs customizable. Even top-of-the-line AVRs & Pre/Pros dont like to give you more than 3 inputs. heck the super-duper NAD mega-elite only has 2! (The next cheaper pre-pro has 3?!?!).


I still use rca plugs for my cd player, and my dual cassette deck. Since dvd recorders don't record in 5.1 surround, from the tv, mine is hooked up with the rca plugs. I also have my turntable hooked up, so there is another pair of rca plugs, hooked into the phono input. Receivers will need to keep current configurations, for quite a while.............


Is it possible 3 of 4 of you in the above posts missed my entire point?:confused: I knew someone would go through their list of rca plug needs etc....but my point was not conveyed obviously. Let me try again.

Great for all of you who still need rca plugs for your phono records etc... My point: why does every receiver have to accomodate the entire history of every electronic device? Heck, in todays America, I can probably sue for racial electronic profiling.

Over the years, I have upgraded my theater rooms as the connections and better quality content changed. RCA-Svideo-component-coaxial-fiber optic-DVI-HDMI After each upgrade, the previous inputs are relics of the past and only take up space on the back of my monstrous receivers. Frustrated at this point really, my $5000 Denon 5803a I bought two years ago is near extinct since it has no HDMI inputs....and the new HDMI 1.3 is due out next year. As an audiopfhile reaching for the best quality audio and video I can afford, it's a never ending money supply.

So, back to my interest......it would just be nice to have a reciever manufacturer meet the needs of us who use the latest and greatest connections and leave off the lesser quality inputs from days of old. Hence, the new reciever I am interested in would have HDMI 1.3 inputs only across the board and offer HD device inputs for every HD source today! Maybe it's nothing more than piece of mind.....but wouldn't this be a nice offering to go along with the "history lesson" most receivers offer? :)


Junior Audioholic
You have to look at supply and demand of a product. Just how many consumers out there only need the latest digital processing with no need for "old" analog technologies like RCA plugs? Not many. There is just not enough demand for a specific product like that to make producing it profitable. When designing a product to sell as many units as possible, the designers always try to add enough functions and features to appeal to the largest number of possible buyers. That $5000 Denon reciever will now cost many more times as much because the number of people that "might" buy that receiver just went down drastically.


I've always considered the wide array of inputs and outputs to be a reason for buying better stuff. It's about versatility.

Let's say that you have your all HDMI amp working fine with all your HDMI equipment and the next great interface comes out. If your next amp purchase only has the new interface you will have to replace all your gear not just the amp. If the new amp had both the new interface and your old HDMI you could just change what you wanted.

What about the guy with a nice old turntable or Nakamichi cassette player and a large collection of material. He'd have to find an HDMI turntable and cassette player. Technically feasible but not likely. (Or a new marketing oppurtunity.:) )

Backwards compatibility is a good thing. I have seen people forced to upgrade their amp because their system grew and they ran out of inputs. It's hard to imagine that happening with a 5805.

I know where you are coming from, I prefer simple quality to lots of bells and whistles but that puts us in the minority. For many people the only system spec that matters is the feature tally. You could have a gorgeous power amp with nothing but a power switch on the face and people would think their Sony HTIB is better because it has more buttons and flashing dealies.

Sad but true.


Isn't it Onkyo, or their other, higher end brand, that has the boards you can plug in and unplug, for upgrading, or quick easy repairs? Get one of those, and just get the HDMI inputs.

I think we got your point. It just didn't seem very logical (no disrespect meant). Maybe 1 out of every 50,000 (or more) people, would want that? Don't think it would be very practical for the manufacturers.

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