Is it possible 3 of 4 of you in the above posts missed my entire point?

I knew someone would go through their list of rca plug needs etc....but my point was not conveyed obviously. Let me try again.
Great for all of you who still need rca plugs for your phono records etc... My point: why does every receiver have to accomodate the entire history of every electronic device? Heck, in todays America, I can probably sue for racial electronic profiling.
Over the years, I have upgraded my theater rooms as the connections and better quality content changed. RCA-Svideo-component-coaxial-fiber optic-DVI-HDMI After each upgrade, the previous inputs are relics of the past and only take up space on the back of my monstrous receivers. Frustrated at this point really, my $5000 Denon 5803a I bought two years ago is near extinct since it has no HDMI inputs....and the new HDMI 1.3 is due out next year. As an audiopfhile reaching for the best quality audio and video I can afford, it's a never ending money supply.
So, back to my would just be nice to have a reciever manufacturer meet the needs of us who use the latest and greatest connections and leave off the lesser quality inputs from days of old. Hence, the new reciever I am interested in would have HDMI 1.3 inputs only across the board and offer HD device inputs for every HD source today! Maybe it's nothing more than piece of mind.....but wouldn't this be a nice offering to go along with the "history lesson" most receivers offer?