No Blu-ray for Xbox 360. Seriously. Go Home.



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
Amid flurries of rumors and speculations, Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg deflated the ball. In an interview with Reuters news service, Mr. Greenberg, who happens to be group manager for Xbox 360, denied any future plans between the gaming platform and it's (sort of) once-rival Blu-ray, citing downloads as the only path for Microsoft.

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Audioholic Spartan
I can understand their position on this, but what are their plans for the next gen console? Surely they don't expect to stay with DVD or expect everyone to download all their games, not everyone plays online, or cares to have xbox live, so hoppefully they won't just say we'll just use multiple dvd's for games, and I doubt they have plans for some proprietary disc format. But maybe by the time they release their next console, blu ray drives will be affordable enough so that it won't be an issue to add them, then they can tout their console as a blu ray player as well.
All good points. My title was more due to the endless speculation and rumors more than whether we think they will "never" go Blu-ray.

It would seem that games will continue to "thicken-up" just like other software titles. Remember when loading up 6 floppies was considered a big deal?


Audioholic Ninja
I do not have a problem with Microsoft's position on Blu-Ray for this current generation(xbox 360)! When it comes to consoles for video games the only thing that matters is the quality of games and the Xbox 360 has the best games by far! Yes, it is a nice feature to watch hd movies, but for any hardcore gamer, playing quality games comes first and the 360 delivers. This generation, I do not think it is a big deal about Blu-Ray or No Blu-Ray, but in 2010 when the next generation starts I would think it would be a standard for next genearation games because the massive amount of content and information that will be needed to store the information for the games.


Senior Audioholic
All good points. My title was more due to the endless speculation and rumors more than whether we think they will "never" go Blu-ray.

It would seem that games will continue to "thicken-up" just like other software titles. Remember when loading up 6 floppies was considered a big deal?
Wing Commander II, 8, 5.25" floppy discs! Of course that was slightly before multimeda kits started coming out and for a few hundred dollars you could upgrade to a Sound Blaster sound card and a cd-rom drive.


if you want to watch high def movies on the 360 you can download them. i did and they look great, audio was dd only.

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