NHT Subs B10d & B12d - Any experience??



Hello - I'm new to posting here, but have been learning a lot reading the comments and reviews - Very cool stuff!

Anyway - I'm in the market for a new sub, as my 10yr old NHT SW10 died recently. NHT has some newer offerings for subs - mainly the 10" and 12" B-10d and B-12d, but I can't really find any reviews or comments on either of these subwoofers.

Does anyone out there have experience with either of these? I know there are a lot of good sub recommendations in this forum for this price range ($600 - $800), but didn't see much of anything about NHT - should this absense be telling me something??


Thank you very much!

Here's what I've got (it's older and pretty modest, but works for me!):
Rotel RSX-1056
NHT Super Twos
NHT Super Center
NHT SW10 (not working)
Old Polk bookshelf speakers for rears
Oppo BD-83
Samsung 58" plasma

Room is about 15' x 17' w/9' ceilings. Carpeted, and open on one side. I'm about 50/50 on movies & music.


Audioholic General

How about the SVS PB-12 NSD $769 ? (at you budget max)
The Rythmik FV-12 $500? (at the lower end of your budget)

I havent heard anything about the NHT subs you mentioned. I know they make a very nice budget speaker but i dont think their subs are much to sneeze at. I could be wrong so hopefully someone who has experience with them will chime in.

What is the size of the space your room opens up to?

The sub wont just try to pressurize the theater part of the room. It doesnt stop at that opening. No, the sub will try to pressurize that WHOLE space. Similar to the old "smoking or non-smoking" sections. The smoke would still go over the the "non-smoking" section. Anyways, if we know the wholes cubic foot space we can recommend better.

If it is large then you may want to up your budget just a bit & get a HSU: VTF-15H. Its a large 15" driver that has tons of output. Specially in the mid-bass where all the slam is. I have one & recommend it all the time.

You have some good options.


Thanks for the info! The room with my set-up is one part of basically an "L" shaped finished basement. The remaining part of the open space in line with the "theater" area (more like a family room than a dedicated HT room!) adds probably another 15' to the length of our watching room - of course that area is open to the other side of the "L" where a pool table will someday sit (hopefully!). The TV is mounted on one of the long walls, if that makes sense.

Anyway - clearly a big space. Honestly, I'm not looking to shake the house here, but when I watch U571, for example, I would like to feel some of the depth charge scenes (good movie, btw). When I listen to music, I'm looking more for just a bass 'presence' in the room - don't want it over-powering. Not asking too much here, right? ;)

I have read the posts/comments about the Rythmik FV12 you mentioned - it sounds good. Also looking at the Emotiva X-Ref12 - I like that it has switchable EQ for music vs video and can be set via 12v trigger. That seems pretty cool. BTW: I don't really know all that I'm talking about - Just throwing back stuff that I've read, and doing my best not to sound too ignorant....

Still hoping to hear some feedback about NHT!
Thanks again for your help!


Audioholic General
Well it sounds like a very large space. In fact, based on your numbers, if i got them right, you have approx 4,600cubicft not including the leg of the L. (where the pooltable will be) that makes for a very large area for the sub to fill.

Unfortunately your budget is not going to allow proper pressurization of that room. $600-$800 will get you a nice sub but in order to get great bass you will need to add a second identical sub down the road.

Fortunately you arent looking for a lot of bass though & your expectations seem reasonable. Thats good. I would highly consider going the DIY route. If you or a friend have some woodworking skills then you can actually get some pretty incredible bass & stay in you budget. Let us know if that seems a direction youd be willing to take. My friend & i are building a sub with his $400 budget & from what ive read, we are going to end up with a sub that is equal or better than the PB-12NSD. Just a thought for you!!

If you dont plan on adding a second sub or building one yourself then my recommendation for that space is hands down the VTF-15H. Its just north of your $800 being at $879+ship but if you could save a tad more it would be well worth the wait!!

I have my 15H in my livingroom theater that opens up to other areas. The total space is 8,600cuft. Thats huge for it! Yes i have an MBM-12 handling the mid-bass but the 15H just has such a great amount of output & never distorts or bottoms out. For music i only use the VTF-15H, i turn off the MBM & only use that for movies. With music it sounds fantastic!! I never would have thought that a ported 15" could sound so clean & musical. But hey, its designed by Dr.Hsu so i shouldnt be suprised. I am however going to add a second sometime down the road. Not that i really NEED it, just WANT it :)

I think dual Rythmik FV-12s could sound decent as well. Wont be as much output or as deep as the 15H but placing dual subs correctly will even out the bass across multiple seats for more than 1or2 people. But again that totals about $1120 shipped. But you could get one now & put the save $300 towards a second one later.

One thing about the NHT subs is that they are sealed. This is not very ideal for home theater & since your room is soo big they just wont have the output needed for you. Even the B12D wont do it. If i were in the market for a sealed 10" or 12" id be looking Emotiva instead of NHT. But you need way more output, headroom then those subs can give you. Its just the nature of the beast & the laws of physics & moms home cookin!!...forget that last one!!

Please calculate your total cubic foot of your basement for us. (WxLxH=CuFt)

Let us know if DIY is an option as well.

We'll get you dialed in sooner or later!! :)
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Audioholic Jedi
Welcome to the forum!

I'm a fan of NHT, too, but I've never heard those subs (and haven't heard any of their subs in almost 15 years) - so I can't help with your question.

However, I wanted to give you a heads up that Audioholics is having a contest this month to win a free SVS PB12-NSD or SB12-NSD. If you're a U.S. resident, then you can enter - good luck!


Audioholic General
Oh thats right! Good call Adam. But FYI, make sure that once you post your response & are therefore entered into the contest, MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT POST A SECOND TIME FOR ANY REASON! Tom Andry mentioned in one of the AV-Rant podcasts that once they pull a winner, the first thing he does is go through all the posts. If he sees 2 or more posts from the winner he will choose another winner. Posting more than 1 time ups your % to win.

So yes by all means enter to win the SVS NSD sub! If you win then youd have the $ to buy a second NSD & youd have 2 for the price of 1 :) :) :)

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