That's a great deal dang.
Word that.
The Denon 4311 runs $1250
refurbished from Accessories4less. I really question if being able to process two subs is worth $550.
I believe it is only volume level and distance that get processed separately and then both subs are still EQ'ed as one.
I can match the levels between both subs.
If I knew they would end up symmetrically located (so both subs are the same distance from the listening position), there would be no benefit to spending the extra $550.
(but I'm not absolutely positive I have it straight)!
Per Chris:
MultEQ XT32 is the flagship version of our technology to measure and correct room acoustical problems. Sub EQ HT is a method we came up with to deal with multiple subs. If you only have one sub then it's not in use. The idea is to first measure each sub separately, then apply delay and level settings so that the two subs are now time and level aligned. Then we ping them once more as "one" sub to derive the room correction filter. I am pretty sure that the 70.3 is using this.
So if you can accommodate equalizing level and time delay (distance) between the two subs, Sub EQ has no added value!