Hey all,
For years, I've run an old 90's Marantz with a Sumo Andromeda III connected to my Infinity QLS-1 towers, and Aiwa bookshelf speakers purchased in Saudi Arabia in the 90's during a deployment (these are great speakers and weren't available in the states, ever). My sub was a mickey mouse setup with a mobile amp and sub with power supply. Don't laugh.
Recently, I purchased a new Marantz SR-5010 and Martin Logan sub, with a few more Polk bookshelf speakers for mounting high front. My Aiwas are mounted high rear, and my Infinity towers are mounted front off center for lack of room. My center channel speaker stopped working after I turned up the Dialog dbs to +4 for lack of decent articulation. After it stopped working, I put a Polk bookshelf speaker on that channel as a temporary measure, but it works surprisingly well...almost to the point that I want to leave it there.
I connected the Sumo and Infinity towers to the right and left fronts off the pre-outs. The Polks are on Surround back (set up in the menu as being high fronts), Aiwas are on surround, and sub is off the regular sub pre-out (not the 7.1 preouts). I have nothing connected to the 7.1 pre-outs on the Marantz.
I've used the equalizer settings to get the sound right and the system really shines. However, I still wonder if this is being done right. Should I be using the 7.1 pre-outs? Is there a better way to set this all up?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.