I am not trying to be derrogatory in any way, but if you don't think you need a new receiver, then you probably don't need an amp. Your speakers are pretty sensitive and I couldn't see a need for it in a small room. This is coming form someone who has a medium sized room, very sensitive speakers, and uses 2 external 200 Watt x 5-channel amps. No, I don't need the amps for loudness, but they add a lot of control and authority in the bass and more claity in the mids and highs. I have what most people would consider a mid-level receiver, the Yamaha RX-V2500. I couldn't recommend someone spend the money on an amp unless they were planning a receiver or pre/pro upgrade in the near future. Even so, I would advise they do it in reverse order and buy the receiver first to start enjoying the benefits of newer technology and then determine if they still desire an amp. I still think you would gain much more by spending $600 on a better receiver, then if you want even better sound, add an amp in the future. Personally, I think the Yamaha or a Denon or Pioneer without an external amp would sound better than the RCA unit even with an amp. You should go and give one a listen and judge for yourself. Good luck!