The general rule of thumb...
...for the last forty years or so is: choose your loudspeakers first...they are what you "hear", they will dictate your power requirements and you really have to like them your amplification, or in your case the receiver, base your choice on power and then whatever bells-and-whistles you may require...then your sources. Others may disagree...I say Pfffttt!!!
Most HT recs from Denon, HK, Marantz, Pioneer Elite, Yamaha, et al will do what you need them to do, otherwise it's pretty much personal preference. Some of the mfr's have limited distributorship and this affects pricing...others sell at mass-market outlets BB, CC and the like...
jimHJJ(...Read reviews, go to various places and listen, bring source material you are familiar with, take notes...It sounds like work, but it will pay off in the long run...)