I basically want to start creating a system mainly for AUDIO listening with a headphone. Headphones like K701, ATH-W1000..etc (Just personally listening, no speakers)
I am starting blank and have a quite limited buget (around 600-800USD). I have a Laptop and some portable music player, but wanting to enjoy a higher audio experience. I am a violin player myself and enjoy listening to Classical. I also listening to some Jazz, pop's, and RNB's.. so perhpas a system that works better for Classical with a pretty good bass.
Here are my questions:
1) Should I build a system with use of my Laptop, get a external sound card and get a headphone hook up with it? (I don't know if it can push the headphone to better, more detail sound.) Or is it possible to add a headphone amp between it?)
2) Should I build a system with a CD or DVD player, connected to a ... er... receiver..? ... AMP? ... DAP?? and to a headphone?
3) Does DAP work with laptops?