I finally decided to dump my RCA "home theatre" system yesterday and start building something proper. Previously, I have an RCA receiver with Mission center and front mains, and the factory RCA for rears.
I now have Polk RTi10's for the mains, the Mission for a center, and Polk R15's for the rear/surround, running off a Yamaha HTR-5150.
The Yamaha was a receiver I picked up a while ago, and was sitting in my basement, the R15's I got thrown in with the deal for peanuts, and the RTi's I got on a clearance for $1100 CDN/pair - hopefully I did good so far
The dealer I purchased the RTi's from suggested I remove the binding clip and run them bi-wired from my amp. Upon telling them I have the 5150, they suggested I run the top posts (mid/high) from speaker "A" on the amp, and the bottom posts (low end) from speaker "B" on the amp, as that would give my the most power from my amp for these speakers. Was that the correct thing to do?
My main problem is with the speakers appearing too "bright"
Even before removing the binding clip, I found the speakers too bright - almost to the point of being painful at anything above "average" home theatre listening. When playing audio CD's, at a louder volume, I actually thought my ears were going to start bleeding. A lot of this was solved by removing the binding clip, and hooking them up as above, however, I am finding them still too bright.
I am thinking perhaps the 5150 is not powerful enough for these speakers? The point when they start hurting my ears is anything above 11 o'clock on the amp. According to the RTi manual, I should be able to go to an average of 1 o'clock before the amp starts not having enough power for the speakers. What can I do?
I like my TV *loud* but also very clear and defined. I am willing to throw money at it, but want to make sure I am getting the best results for my money as well - as much as I am willing to throw money at it, it does not grow on trees.
Please give me suggestions on wiring, which amps I should be looking at if more power is what I really need, etc.
Was this a good jump up? Did I get an alright deal? Hopefully I'll get better with this as time goes on