Hey everyone,
Been reading on here for a while but never really had a need to post before. I have searched vigourosly and read many opposing views, so I thought I would throw out to you the WWAHD?
I am building a new house and to the wifes delight we have ran all the speaker wiring and conduit to a hall closet so that the a/v equipment is out of sight. I need to run cable to the TV 51ft away through conduit to hook up the DVD player and Satellite.
Up to now I have been using HDMI for both. TV is a Samsung 42" plasma. At 51 ft (probably 60ft of cable) should I run HDMI or Component? What is the overall concensus on the visual difference between the two?
If you suggest HDMI, which online retailer has a reliable 60 ft hdmi cable????