Old set-up:
I had a Samsung HDTV with a Toshiba A35(2.0FW) connected to it via HDMI and the STB connected to it via component video. A separate audio connection went from the HDTV to my old receiver. The picture was great all around but the 5.1 audio was a bit lacking, so I decided to upgrade.
New set-up:
I purchased the Yamaha RX-V463 5.1 receiver and connected all components to it via HDMI (A35, STB and HDTV).
Observation #1
This new system has vastly better sound compared to my old set-up, so I accomplished what I wanted to do. However, a new problem has appeared that is taking the thrill out of it. It seems that when I view a movie on the A35, whether HD or SD, it is almost too dark to enjoy. If a scene is indoors, I can make out general figures but detail is hard to see. Night scenes are a total disaster because unless someone lights a cigarette in front of themselves, I can hardly make out facial features. Outdoor scenes are not a problem and tend to be bright and sharp.
I tried adjusting brightness and contrast on the Samsung, and it improved the A35 view a bit, but it would just be too washed out when returning to view a cable channel. Being a novice at all of this, I am at a loss as to my next move. One thing I noticed in the Yamaha manual was that it recommends no more than a 5 meter(16ft.) HDMI cable. I had reconfigured my room layout so that the Samsung required a 20ft. HDMI connection to the receiver. I bought a 24AWG HDMI 1.3 cable from HDTVSupply.com that was tested to confirm 1080p performance before being shipped. Could that have been the cause of my problem? I haven't noticed any HDMI "sparkles" when viewing. Any ideas or suggestions would really be appreciated at this point.
Observation #2
Since this is now a total HDMI-digital setup, I have noticed how terrible non-HD channels look. I noticed the lack of sharpness on SD channels with my old set-up, and didn't think those channels could look any worse, but boy was I wrong! It's hard to describe, but images almost shimmer because everything is so out of focus. Almost like looking through a lens with vasaline smeared on it. There is just a general sloppiness to the picture. Is this something that is normal and I'll just have to adjust to it or could I have an issue going on somewhere?
Thanks much. BTW, I have been viewing this site for a while now and it's a very knowledgable and friendly site. It's nice to have a place to turn to when questions arise.