New Sysem, would appreciate comments!



Audioholic Intern

I am a neophyte that is planning to treat myself to my first audio/home theater and would appreciate comments on whether the system appears to be of good quality. I understand speakers could be better but also more expensive. There is some space constraint as the system would be in the main bedroom of a modest 2 bdroom apt.

Here's the current setup:

40" XBR4 Sony LCD
HD-DVR from cable company with HDMI output
Samsung upconverting DVD player with HDMI output
PS3 - used for games and bluray capabilties.

My current thoughts for the system are:

Receiver: Denon AVR 1909 or Yamaha RX-V663
Speakers: Klipsch - Synergy Series Quintet III 5-Piece Home Theater Speaker System
Mirage - Nanosat 5.0 Home Theater Speaker System
Sub: Klipsch - 10" 420W Powered Subwoofer or Mirage - OMNI Series 8" 400-Watt Powered Subwoofer - Black.

This is the system I have researched to be my best bet. I would really like to receive your thoughts on this.


Audioholic Jedi
Welcome to the forum!

Hey, you've done your research and like those components...that's the most important thing. I'd recommend that, if you haven't already, you listen to both of those speaker systems. Actually, the best bet is to buy from someplace that will let you return them without restocking fees, so then you can audition them in your own home.

That Yamaha has gotten good press on this forum, and Denon makes good stuff. I think that you'll be happy with either one. As long as you've looked at the connectivity and features of both and they fit your needs, then you're set.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks Adam!

I have tried to do as good research as I've been able to, though I am by no means finished! I am currently posted in Panama, and my purchase will probaly take place late december, during a short visit I will make to L.A. I will endeavor to try out both of these systems there before puchasing, but returning the equipment would be a bit of an issue, so that's why I am trying to get my "homework" sufficienly done before traveling and purchasing the system!


Audioholic Overlord
Well done I like either system. I don't think you can go wrong either way.


I myself would go for the Mirage speakers. I am not a fan of klipsh but that doesn't mean they are bad they just don't sound good to my ears. I have owned a few sets of Mirage speakers and all of them were great.


Audioholic Intern
There have been a series of developments that have further modified my decisions. Checked baggage rules have made me weary of transporting all of the system from los angeles back to panama, so I searched the market for alternatives. Imagine my surprise when I found the v663 yammie at a store for a lower price than some stores in the US!! I know I could get a better deal in the US through the internet, but that is not really an option since I have no fixed address nor billing address there.

So in a sense I have found my receiver! And not only will I pay about $30 less, I also won't have to lug it around the airport, which is a definite plus! So now I have to pick speakers. So my question to you is the following:

Of the two systems mentioned (the Klipsch Quintet III and the Mirage Nanosat, each with corresponding sub), which would you recommend? both run at about $500 for fronts and surround, plus about $400 for the sub.

My use, as I mentioned, will be in a main bedroom (about 12 x 12 feet estimated, I will try to get more accurate measurements tomorrow). Use will be about 50 movies/25 games/25 music.

My budget is about what's mentioned. What system would be best for the receiver mentioned?


Audioholic Intern
Thanks for your advice! I've posted under another thread in the loudspeakers this question, since it deals with that system, but just in case you check this thread and know anything about them, I recently found that Axiom would take my panamenian cc, and send the stuff to l.a. where I would pick it up in december.

Considering the above, I find that the Epic Media 175 looks to be an interesting setup. My question was this: Considering I would purchase the yammie v663, and the small size of the room, would that system be a good choice??

I know Clint DeBoer argued in favor of the system upgrading to the 400 sub, but its size would not let me take it on the flight (real tight restrictions due to the flight dates) so it's not possible. The second question is whether the 175 sub be good enough for the room and a slightly modified use (50 movies 30 music 20 games)?


Audioholic Intern
More info

I have been getting excellent recommendations from users about HSU and SVS subwoofers. However I face the following problems: United Airlines doesn't allow overweight on the flight I will take, and weight is thus limited at 50 lbs. This puts SVS out of the running, since their sub weighs in at 60 lbs. In HSU, the problem is they don't accept my international cc... :( So I am stuck with either ordering the Axiom system (with either EP125 or 175), or order the speakers from them (basically the epic midi 125 system without sub) and go with a sub from klipsch or other available at a store I can buy in Los Angeles area (even if it must be Best Buy...).

What are your recommendations?


Both the receivers look good, I would probably go with the Yamaha.

You are looking a two Home Theater Systems. Have you considered looking at two good front speakers. You can always add surrounds and sub later. If you do get a center it should match the fronts.

If you like Klipsch ,then the Klipsch sub is probably a good choice. But you migth also want to consider SVS and Hsu brands.

Whatever, if you can audition then by allmenas do so and if it sounds good to you then that is what you should get.

Set a budget of what you want to spend. You most money should be in the front speakers because that is what makes the difference in sound.

Anyway good research you have done so far. Good luck in getting the system you want.



Audioholic Intern
I've contacted HSU through e-mail to see if there is any chance of making the order with my panamenian ccard. Let's see if there is positive news... If not I will basically have to pick between ordering the whole epic midi system (EP-175) or just their 5.0 speakers and pick a sub from a store of the likes of best buy (if someone knows a better audio store in the glendale los angeles area, would be much appreciated!)


Audioholic Intern
Wooo Hooo!

Just got a reply from Ryan at HSU. They will take my cc by phone, and thus I am able to pick the STF-2 as my sub! This is great since I have been hearing really good things from the forums about the model, and it's shipping weight is 44 pounds (which is inline with United Airlines requirement of max. 50lbs per checked item).

Thus my final setup appears to be the following:

Receiver: Yamaha RX-V663

Fronts: Axiom M2s

Center: Axiom VP150

Surrounds: Axiom QS4s

Subwoofer: HSU STF-2

Sounds good?

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