New Sub to replace Bic F12



Junior Audioholic
Infinity P352 (Fronts)
JBL studio 130 (Rear)
Yamaha Rx-871 Receiver
Bic F12 (To be replaced)

Trying to find something good for around 400-500, budget can stretch if need be. If I can get something massively worthwhile and hugely better for an extra 200 dont mind posting it, I will take a look. Absolute maximum I will spend is $1k however would like to stay at the 500 range. Need a musical / HT sub...About 85% of the time is music, 15% is movies. I want something that can hit hard but doesnt get distorted and sound like absolute crap at higher volumes. I need something that hits but doesnt seem like its going to blowup on me. The F12 was decent, its fine but at higher volumes it seems like it is really straining to keep itself from throwing its driver out and punching a hole in my wall.

Music Selection is largely: Rap/Techno/ some rock so bass is a large part of both, needs to be tight without if i am correct the "boomyness"


Audioholic Warlord
DIY will keep you around there and get you all that stuff, if you don't want to build your own cabinet you can go to a website like eD designs and get them to build it for you and all you have to do is pop in the woofer and wire it up. Although pre-built cabinet will get you closer to $1k.

I've read a lot of good things about the

rhythmic F12
Velodyne has a few models under a grand, but around the same price as the two above

Just to get you started.


Where are you located? I have a few subs I'm trying to off-load.


Audioholic Warlord
Better question, where are you located since there are two guys here looking for subs :D


Junior Audioholic
Los Angeles :D DIY is pretty much impossible for me, I really am terrible with wood work wiring etc. I would go that route if I could do a half decent job, but I can't and have no tools for it either LOL.


Colorado Springs, have a couple HSU VTF-15H collecting dust.

I would start looking at a SVS PB-12, it's going to be a significant upgrade to the Bic.


Audioholic Warlord
Aw shucks that's kinda far from the empire state to come take a look.


Junior Audioholic
I was actually looking at the SVS but im not sure exactly where I can buy it unless its strictly thru the SVS website.


I was actually looking at the SVS but im not sure exactly where I can buy it unless its strictly thru the SVS website.
Yup, that's the only place your going to be able to purchase on here in the U.S.

Internet direct company.


Junior Audioholic
So for about 750, the SVS would be the way to go? How is their plus model? Is it worth the 1400? In case I buy the lower model and "Trade up" when I get more money together.


So for about 750, the SVS would be the way to go? How is their plus model? Is it worth the 1400? In case I buy the lower model and "Trade up" when I get more money together.
That's the route I would go. The entire SVS lineup is very solid, you can't really go wrong with any of their products.


Junior Audioholic
I just had a chat with "Ed" from SVS, all I can say is wow, straight gave me my answers, offered to call me, told me everything I wanted to know, just somewhat blown away by the customer service, he offered to help me with the purchase, told me when I get the sub that I can call anytime and he can help me get it set up and properly optimized etc. Just wow lol, real nice guy


Junior Audioholic
My room is 12x13, probably about 7 foot ceiling. So its a smaller room, would the plus model be too much for my room?


Junior Audioholic
Someone is selling a PSB Series 300 sub on Craigslist in my area for 400, now is that a good sub? I cant find like any reviews on it.


Audioholic General

I would much rather have the HSU: VTF-15H over the PB-12NSD or even the PB-12Plus. Specially with your room size & budget. Not to mention that HSU is not far from you in Anahiem, CA. They have a great demo room so you can go & have a listen to each of their subs for yourself!! Pete is a great guy to deal with in person. Also, Dr. HSU himself is constantly on the "Official HSU Owners Thread" over on That is a direct link to the designer/owner of HSU Research. Can't beat that!! :) By driving their yourself you save $100+ on shipping too which will make the sub exactly $879+tax & that's it.

I own the VTF-15H myself & I use it in an 8600cubicft space...couldn't be happier with it!!! Musical & Powerful. It would be a little overkill in your space to be honest, but you would have soo much headroom & such low distortion it would be great. Then if you ever move into a larger space you know your covered in the sub department :)

+1 vote for the VTF-15H from me!

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