
OK, I admit its odd posting this at a home theater site, but I thought I would give it a shot. I am replacing my audio equipment in my living room soon. My Home Theater is in another part of the house. I want to set my living room up for MUSIC almost exclusively. I listen to a lot of vinyl as well as cd’s and am looking for a warm sounding, Stereo Receiver as well as some new speakers. I am thinking of a Harmon Kardon HK 3480 and Klipsch RB-35’s. I’ve read the RB’s are pretty bright but that the 3480 is warm, so I’m hoping that will be a good mix. There really don’t seem to be very many Stereo Receivers out there anymore without spending lots of money. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I would like to keep the speaker, receiver combination under $1500 (US)

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Audioholic Overlord
Look to your speakers to determine the voice of your system.

The receiver's contribution is negligible compared to them. You would be well advised to shop for these first, alloting about half or more for them. Their requirements will determine your amplifier.

Also, if you want to expand your field somewhat, don't mandate an internal phono stage. These can be added to any unit for a little over $100 (or less or more, depending).

If you aren't opposed to a separate tuner there are quite a few integrated amps out there.

You don't say wether you want to get new source components (CD player, DVD-A/SACD payer, turntable/cartdridge) as well as amplificaton and speakers within that budget.


Audioholic Jedi
Trying to "tone down" a speaker using the receiver is sort of the tail wagging the dog. I'd start by finding the speakers you LIKE, and then suitable amplification for them just as markw said. If you haven't actually heard the RB-25s, I'd strongly suggest you do, as Klipsch are one of those speakers that people either love or hate. I personally wouldn't buy them for myself for music listening.

Integrateds are an excellent choice, often better than a comparably priced stereo receiver IMO. In your price also is the Outlaw RR-2150. Nothing else on the market has as many useful features. They are out of stock again it seems (because it is selling well), so you might need to contact them to find out when they'll have more.


I will be listening closely to speakers before I purchase, but are there any
suggestions? I know it is a very personal choice, but I hope to at least narrow the field a bit. Adding to the problem, I listen to just about everything.
Rock, blues, jazz, classical...

The $1500 dollar limit is for speakers and receiver only. I'm set with the rest for now anyway.

I'm checking on "Outlaw" thanks for the tip.

Any more suggestions, with the usual qualifiers, would be appreciated.



Audioholic Spartan


There is a better price on the NAD at Audiophile Liquidator, just get Yawa to match it and you will be set. The sound of these MB Quarts will blow you away. And, the NAD is a perfect match. Also, Yawa is a real store and authorized to sell Quart and NAD.

Another option. Not much rated power, but it is 4ohm stable. Shouldn't be hard to find one of these to demo. http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/pna/product/detail/0,,2076_4155_35186,00.html
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Audioholic Overlord
Where are you?

MichaelJ said:
I will be listening closely to speakers before I purchase, but are there any
suggestions? I know it is a very personal choice, but I hope to at least narrow the field a bit. Adding to the problem, I listen to just about everything.
Rock, blues, jazz, classical...

The $1500 dollar limit is for speakers and receiver only. I'm set with the rest for now anyway.

I'm checking on "Outlaw" thanks for the tip.

Any more suggestions, with the usual qualifiers, would be appreciated.

Knowing a geographic location could perhaps aid us in recommending good dealers in the area. For instance, I strongly the Audio Connection in Bloomfield, New Jersey and in you're in the tri-state area it would be worth scheduling some time with John Rutan and taking a drive, but if you're in California, that's a pretty worthless suggestion.



I'm in Wisconsin, I'll likely audition speakers locally but purchase them and receiver on-line.


Wow, I'm surprised the msrp for the NAD is the same as here in Canada. But in U.S. $


Audioholic Ninja
You should check out the offerings from:

Phase Technology

And whatever else you can find in your price range. There are tons of good speakers out there.


Audioholic Samurai
MichaelJ said:
I will be listening closely to speakers before I purchase, but are there any
suggestions? I know it is a very personal choice, but I hope to at least narrow the field a bit. Adding to the problem, I listen to just about everything.
Rock, blues, jazz, classical...

The $1500 dollar limit is for speakers and receiver only. I'm set with the rest for now anyway.

pretty nice budget i'd say,if you dont mind buying used & a vintage model look for a pioneer sx 1980 reciever,i havnt heard any 2 channel reciever even come close to a sx 1980 weather new or vintage,those reciever's were beast's that pushed 270 true wpc of clean power.

you can also get some sweet intergrateds & seperate's in that budget:)

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