Afternoon all, I've been racking my brain on what my next course of action should be. I'm looking at either a new pre/pro or a new AVR to pair with my Adcom GFA-7705 amp. Separates are new to me and I'm somewhat hesitant to take that route however the review of the Emotiva 200 has peaked my interest. My buget is around its $600 price tag. I'd be running Polk's RTI-10's, FXi a6 surrounds, and psw125 in a 13x18 room. Networking features are of some interest to me so this appears to rule out the Emotiva? I currently have Yamaha 667 but it will be staying where it is. If I go the AVR route with preouts what would be some of my best options for around the same $600 budget (or less if possible)? I'd also be pairing it with a new BD player (likely a PS3) but would I be better off with an AVR that does the lossless decoding? Help as always is appreciated. Special thanks to JG for his earlier insight.