Hello music lovers! I must confess to becoming lazy! Since switching to NAD gear starting in the old 3140 days and remaining with NAD up to my present T753 AV Receiver (with a short stint running Rotel amp and pre-amp/processor), I haven't bothered to look at many other brands of equipment. I’ve never really developed a case of gadget envy. After upgrading late last year to a nice Samsung 58" 3D Plasma and 3D Blu-ray player though, I've begun looking at ways to reduce the complexities of my a/v system. The old NAD T753 does not have HDMI so I must run optical audio connections from the Blu-ray and DirectTV HD DVR to the receiver and an HDMI connection from Blu-ray to the TV. Since my TV does not have composite video input, the receiver has no OSD unless I hook a separate monitor to it. That makes for an interesting session when setting or adjusting various audio/video sources for the receiver. Add to this mix, connections for my Slacker device to my receiver, a separate amp to power zone 2 audio in other rooms coming off of an ABCD speaker switch, and what you have my friends is a complex mixture of wires, connectors, numerous remotes and manual switching required to enjoy various audio/video choices.
So I have been anxiously awaiting the new NAD 3D AV Receivers (T757 and T748) thinking they would provide the answer. The T748 does not offer zone 2, so I am considering the T757 ($1599). I would definitely want to verify that I can use the surround back amps to power zone 2 before I would consider this unit. My last remaining disappointment at present is the lack of an internet connection on either of the new NAD units. For informational purposes my front mains are B&W 602's. Center and rear surrounds are NHT. Sub is powered dual woofer Cambridge audio P500 unit. My zone 2 speakers include NHT in-ceiling and Bose outside on the patio. .
Cut to present day when I’m walking thru a local warehouse club and I spy a Yamaha RXV871 for a ridiculously low price, 1/3 the price of the NAD! I mean this receiver seems to have everything I am looking for. 3D pass-thru with HDMI 1.4, powered zone 2, Yami's own room optimizer (as compared to NAD’s speaker calibration), internet connection, built in Sirius, etc. etc. Wow, I'm thinking I can drop this baby in and my life just got easier!
So I’m wondering if I’m fooling myself. Are my 50 year old ears really going to hear a difference between this Yamaha vs. the NADs I've come to use and love. I'm not trying to shake the plaster off the walls anymore. I just want great sound at modest levels whether listening to internet-based audio content from Sirius/Pandora/Slacker, etc. or when watching HD content from blu-ray, NetFlix or DirectTV. And I'd like to have the convenience of being able to control it easily.
I would be delighted to hear any opinions or feedback from anyone who may have been faced with a similar choice, or who has any first-hand knowledge of either of these receivers. Thanks in advance everyone.